
**Christmas Special** Complete Set – Books and DVDs Bundle

Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $175.00.

Herb Book • How can I use HERBS in my daily life? is a comprehensive herb book, as well as a practical guide to growing and using, culinary herbs and medicinal herbs, natural herbal remedies, alternative herbal medicines, natural herbal pain relief and herbal nutrition.

This Australian herb book (Now in 8th Edition) is a reference that covers over 500 herbs, spices and edible plants (over 380 A4 pages, over 230 colour photos, 58 black and white photos).

Herb DVD • Isabell Shipard’s extensive herb course on DVD
2 DVD Set, Total Running Time 4:14
DVD is Pal, All Regions
Please check to make sure that you are happy with Pal standard before purchasing.
Pal is the Australian standard. NTSC is the American standard.
Both Pal and NTSC will play on any computer that can play a standard DVD.
Also many new DVD players and TVs support both NTSC and PAL.

Sprout Book • How can I grow and use Sprouts as living food? will inspire you to grow and use sprouts to maximise your health.
totally engrossing…
a life enhancing book…
and a valuable investment for health and well-being…
This Australian sprout book (Now in 2nd Edition) is a reference that covers over 100 kinds of sprouting seeds, the best methods of sprouting, nutritional and medicinal benefits, and how to use sprouts in your daily life, with practical and simple recipes.

Sprout DVD • Isabell Shipard’s long awaited sprout course on DVD
2 DVD Set, Total Running Time 2:34
DVD is Pal, All Regions

Please check to make sure that you are happy with Pal standard before purchasing.
Pal is the Australian standard. NTSC is the American standard.
Both Pal and NTSC will play on any computer that can play a standard DVD.
Also many new DVD players and TVs support both NTSC and PAL.

Self Sufficiency Book • Isabell Shipard would like you to learn how to be self sufficient. Isabell is one of Australia’s most knowledgable and sought after authorities on herbs and author of the acclaimed books How can I use Herbs in my daily life? and How can I grow and use Sprouts as living food? says,

“For many years I taught Herb Courses, covering many edible plants, and included a segment on survival foods and the importance of self-sufficiency for possible hard times. People often expressed that I should put this information into a book.

Self Sufficiency DVD • Isabell Shipard’s Self Sufficiency and Survival Foods! course on DVD
2 DVD Set, Total Running Time 3:47
DVD is Pal, All Regions

Please check to make sure that you are happy with Pal standard before purchasing.
Pal is the Australian standard. NTSC is the American standard.
Both Pal and NTSC will play on any computer that can play a standard DVD.
Also many new DVD players and TVs support both NTSC and PAL.

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Phone No. 07 54411101

$15 postage and handling to Australian shipping addresses to ensure quality and care is maintained straight to your home.
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